sd sec school kirti nagar delhi
Affiliated To CBSE - Code No. 2776009
Area Of School Campus
The school has an extensive area of 1.173 Acres (4747.34 Sq. Mtrs) and the build up area of 814.17 Sq. Mtrs. which is enough to provide the best of facilities a school can have.
School Playground
School playground is well maintained and suitable for every outdoor game. Students here can play a lots of games in supervision with the professional and trained teachers and can enhance their sports skills. Area of the school playground is 3933.17 Sq. Mtrs.
The School has a very well stocked library with trained librarian, who helps and guides the students in the selection of books. The school subscribes to many dailies, weeklies, fortnightlies and monthlies.
- Area of the school Library is 1352 Sq. Feet.
- No. of periodicals : 2
- No. Dailies : 2
- And lots of story books
Syllabus & Curriculum
The school strictly follows the courses prescribed by the Directorate of Education, Delhi N.C.E.R.T. and C.B.S.E.
Computer Education
The school has well – equipped computer laboratory to provide computer literacy to all of the students.
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